Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Adjective Project: Fast!!!!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hollywood Cemetery

It was such a beautiful day, I was really happy to get out of Bowe St and enjoy being out. I would've been a little miserable if I stayed inside all day on a Friday.

I was super glad I got to go to the Hollywood Cemetery. I was impressed at the extremely large size, cleanliness, and organization of it. I did sit and sketch, but it was really difficult to concentrate and make good sketches because I was distracted and paranoid by all the bugs flying and crawling around. They kept landing on me/my sketchbook and flying wayyyyy too close to me. I accidently killed quite a few in the process of brushing them off me.... My friends must've thought I was an overreacting idiot. -__- I hate bugs.....

I got to see the pretty mausoleum with its stained glass windows and tomb of the Richmond vampire (it was super creepy and looked like an oven :C). I really loved the statues that were scattered throughout the cemetery. Most of them were angels or the virgin Mary, and even though their faces were pretty generic, they were so pretty and gave off a sense of peacefulness/melancholy. I think the cemetery is a nice, quiet place to clear your mind and think/reflect. I'll probably become a regular visitor.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Project Research and Destroy pt.1

For this assignment, I have to create a painting, destroy it (literally, or just paint over it...) at least 7 times to produce a new painting each time. The theme I picked for this assignment is the North Korean human rights abuse. Each painting will about different issues part of this humanitarian crisis. I wanted the figures to be very childlike and innocent because I feel that has a greater impact in emphasizing the severity of the situation. This is the first layer, and it's going to be the only happy yeah.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

3 Mediums Assignment

Guache, colored pencil, and pen. It was an interesting experience and I had fun with the assignment. Guache still confuses me.

Monday, February 22, 2010

1 Week Painting

You have no idea how much I freaked out and got frustrated over this. Or how many times I listened to the Christian Bale Freak Out Remix.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miss Atopy The 1 Day Sculpture

This is my first sculpture assignment and we only had 1 day to work on it. 1 Day. I freaked for a bit, and then I worked for the rest of the day. This is basically made up of self drying clay, ghetto paper mache, paper, and acrylic. And fake eyelashes from Rite Aid. Yep.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

72 Self Portraits Project

The purpose of this project was to create a composition that includes 72 self portraits. Every one had to be from observation. I thought it was pretty much impossible, but I kept pushing myself...staying up late and waking up early....all that unpleasant stuff. It drove me nuts, but i think it probably helped me improve.